Essays On Photography

Negative FaceSpace: Exploring The Uncanny Valley
The uncanny valley refers to an observation in psychology and aesthetics whereby humanoid faces and figures elicit sudden feelings of revulsion and creepiness in some people. In this ongoing project I blend psychology and aesthetics via photography in order to explore the phenomenon.
Admiration And Inspiration
Brief introductions to a few photographers whose work I admire and, at times, have unashamedly tried to emulate. Basically, I'm envious. These photographers captured the images I wish I had captured.
Imaging Cultural Chauvinism
It's commonplace in many developing countries to be approached by children for a photograph in return for money. Is perceiving this interaction in terms of an ethical problem a form of cultural chauvinism?
Musing On Street Photography
A short piece outlining my philosophy toward the genre of street photography; why I dislike much of the genre yet love taking part in it, and how much it's akin to wildlife photography.
A selection of images from one of the most unique and atmospheric, quiet and unromantically beautiful places in England; the shingle beach boat graveyard of Dungeness.
Life's But A Walking Shadow
A quote from Shakespeare inspires street photography, captured over several years, of people walking past a bare stone wall in Essaouira, Morocco.
Henry Melville And Charles Darwin
A chance finding of a carte de visite led me to investigate the photographer Henry Melville which uncovered his brief, though historically significant professional relationship with Charles Darwin, as well as a sad tale of coincidence and tragedy.
Confessions Of A Praktica Geek
I confess to being a Praktica geek. My first serious camera was a Praktica SLR and it proved to be the cause of a bad dose of gear acquisition syndrome. I started collecting them. Eventually I had every mass-produced SLR Praktica ever made. I'm cured now but still harbour an attachment, hence this homage to the marque.
The Dark Ages: Christian Imagery, Atheist Interpretation
Despite being atheist, as a photographer I find myself visually drawn toward Christian imagery and symbolism because they easily invite a dark, morbid or macabre interpretation. Here are some thoughts and examples of this work.
Istanbul Suburbs Of Balat And Fener
The formerly wealthy, now poverty-stricken inner city neighbouring suburbs of Balat and Fener are my favourite places to photograph in Istanbul. Relatively few tourists venture here. Those that do find their way tend, like me, to have a camera around their neck.
I Am Not A Number, I Am A Free Man!
Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the screening of the first episode of the 1960s British surreal cult TV series 'The Prisoner'. Images were captured in April 2017 at the village of Portmeirion, Gwynedd, Wales, including a re-enactment of the second episode.